Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pagan Blog Promt

Prompt: Your Sacred Space

What is your sacred space like? Is it a permanent set up, or something you only create when you need it? What sorts of things do you need in order to make your space sacred? Is it an outdoor or indoor thing, or whenever and wherever you need it?

I got this from the Pagan Blog Prompt blog. Their bloggy button is on my exchange page for those of you who want to check it out.

My sacred space is something I only create when I need it. I make it where ever I happen to need it. In the future I would really like to have a house with a room I can use as my Wiccan room. I might only be able to use half if Wolf needs the other half but that would still be enough. I really dislike having to use my brother's old room in my parents house which is where I am currently staying. My room is now the official guest room and my mother doesn't want my little doggie jumping up on her $500 bedding set. Go figure ;) Anyway I have this great picture of the room that I'll be able to measure out a full circle and maybe trace it in chalk or outline it in stones, I'll have my altar inside of it and my shrine on the outside. I'll have a nice glass china cabinet with all my supplies in it and maybe a bookshelf also. That is my dream place to create sacred space.

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